If you are getting a color it is best to come with clean hair. The color does perform better. If you are getting a haircut or style service, a shampoo, and style is included, it's the best part!
This can vary for everyone! Typically we recommend every other day at least while some can go longer, too long will clog your scalp causing other issues. Some with oily hair may need to shampoo daily, and that is ok.
The short answer is no. It closes your cuticle locking in moisture, and shine, but heat protectant beforehnad is a must!
Many things are taken into consideration. Beyond basic single application root coverage color, traditional highlights, and glazing/toner we have requests that require processes that take more time, and customization. Some transformation requests are tedious, and extensive in detail. We gladly welcome consultations to determine your best fit, and time frame, along with your budget.
That's what we're here for! Chat with us so we can reserve you easily, and accurately.
This allows you to communicate to us what you have, and what you are going for, for proper service, and time management with your stylist.